Contact us via email or on 01709 555501 for a free quotation - we operate nationwide

LEV testing must be carried out once in every period of 14 months by any employer who uses local exhaust ventilation (LEV) to control any dust, fume or vapour etc. It is also your legal requirement to ensure that it is operating effectively and is in good repair. The HSE now has powers to fine you for not complying with the regulation, the fee for intervention is currently £160+VAT per hour from the start of the HSE visit to the conclusion of their report.

Our unique E-Certification system allows you to keep control our all of your LEV Testing reports and certificates. The custom designed system is online 24 hours a day and allows you to access your documentation, eliminating the days of lost or misplaced certificates. Via the secure login details supplied by us, all documents can be viewed and printed anytime.

Our LEV examination, testing and records are carried out in accordance with the HSE requirements of Regulation 9 of the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) regulations. The measurements taken are compared with the criteria for performance for ventilation systems given in HSG258 “Controlling airborne contaminants at work: A guide to LEV local exhaust ventilation”.

Our LEV testing engineers are qualified to British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS)
P601 - Initial Appraisal and Thorough Examination & Testing of LEV Local Exhaust Ventilation Systems. As stated in HSG258 competence is a legal requirement  - many other companies are not competant or qualified to carry out LEV testing. All of our engineers are also qualified to BOHS P602 Design Principles of LEV, BOHS P604 Performance Evaluation and Management of LEV and BOHS W201 Principles of Occupational Hygiene.

Your first point of contact for a for a free quotation and quality service when looking for an LEV test is our Service Department who operate nationwide at no extra cost - click here to contact us via E-Mail or call 01709 555501 for a free LEV Testing quotation!

Please download and use our FREE LEV Check Sheet

Failure to have your Local Exhaust Ventilation Systems, LEV tested properly can lead to prosecution of your company by the HSE, as highlighted below.

Company fined £15,000 for not having LEV Tested ... READ DETAILS HERE

£16,000 fine for not undertaking LEV Test ... READ DETAILS HERE
Suspended prison sentance and £40,000 fine... READ DETAILS HERE

LEV Testing

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LEV Testing

BOHS Qualified

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LEV Testing

LEV Testing

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